DW-Skill - Alexa, open DW

During the second half of 2019, a dedicated team at DW (Deutsche Welle) developed a skill for Amazon Alexa-enabled devices with screens, like the Echo Show or Echo Spot. I was the product manager on this team. With this skill, you can watch all of DW's TV programming and live TV screens on your Echo device. The skill launched in December.

You can find the Skill here:

This is what you can do with the skill:

Start skillAlexa, open DWAlexa, öffne DW
Watch live TVAlexa, show live TV from DWAlexa, zeige live TV auf DW
Get help(in skill) Alexa, help(in skill) Alexa, Hilfe
Watch program by nameAlexa, show program /Euromaxx/ on DWAlexa, zeige Sendung /Euromaxx/ auf DW
Watch program by topicAlexa, list programs for topic /Science/ on DWAlexa, liste Sendungen zum Thema /Wissenschaft/ auf DW
List program episodesAlexa, list episodes for program /Euromaxx/ on DWAlexa, liste Folgen von Sendung /Euromaxx/ auf DW

These are the English programs: Arts.21, Business, Check-in, Conflict Zone, DocFilm, Drive it!, DW News, Eco Africa, Euromaxx, Faith Matters, Focus on Europe, Global 3000, In Good Shape, Kick off!, Made in Germany, To the Point, Reporter, Shift, The Day, Tomorrow Today, or World Stories

These are the English topics: News, Politics, Economics, Science, Sports, Culture, or Documentaries

These are the German programs: Check-in, Der Tag, DokFilm, Euromaxx, Europe in Concert, Fit und gesund, Fokus Europa, Glaubenssachen, Global 3000, Kick off!, Kultur 21, Made in Germany, Motor mobil, Nahaufnahme, Projekt Zukunft, Auf den Punkt, Reporter, Shift, World Stories, Gottesdienst, Auf ein Wort oder Privatkonzert

These are the German topics: Nachrichten, Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Sport, Kultur oder Dokumentationen

With this skill, I can get a quick news update every morning :)

This is my second Alexa Skill gone live. The first one was Erzählkreis, a skill, programming system, and content management system where you can create interactive stories in the spirit of interactive fiction from the eighties.

DISCLAIMER: This is not an official announcement by DW, but only my personal recollection of the project and the Skill's capabilities.